• Proposed invited countries and regions

    In Alphabetical Order

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    New Zealand

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    The United Kingdom

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    The United States of America

  • Student's Intention of Participation

    Participation in WEC is not directly open to individuals. If you are a student interested in competing, we might know teachers in your country who are willing to help you assemble a team.

  • Contacts Worldwide



    Asia, Middle East and Oceania




    North America & South America


  • How to participate

    • Schools/Institutions* officially register at WEC with an appointed school adviser
    • Each school select internally 3 teams (18 students)** to participate in the National Cups/Continental Qualifiers
    • The top performing teams in the National/Regional Cups & Continental Qualifiers will be invited to the Continental Economics Cup; teams will gather online, enjoy an Economics Cup Week experience and exchange with WECers from other countries
    • The Top 6 school teams of each continent will be invited to the World Economics Cup 2024 to compete representing their schools, countries and continents

    * Education institutions will get the same registration status as full-time schools;

    ** For schools with less than 100 enrolled students in total can only select 2 teams (12 students); for schools with less than 50 enrolled students in total can only select 1 team (6 students);

  • Awards/Recognitions at WEC

    School teams compete in a team of six to get both team awards and individual awards;

    Honors at school-level, country/regional-level and continental-level will also be given separately at Continenal Qualifier/Continental/World Economics Cups

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    Continental Qualifier


    Awards for Teams


    National/Regional Gold, Silver, Bronze Certificates will be awarded to the national/regional top performing school teams based on their team average of individual scores.


    Based on the number of participating teams of each country/region, WEC will decide the exact number of top teams of each country/region invited to the Continental Cup. By principle, the Continental Economics Cup can only invite 50 top teams across countries/regions of that continent to the Continental Final.



    Awards for Individual Contestants


    Tiered Grading Certificates (Highest Distinction, Higher Distinction, Distinction and Excellence) will be awarded to a certain percentage of contestants based on their scores in the hybrid assessment.


    The names of the national/regional top 10 individual scorers will be announced as well and the winners will receive special certificates.


    Honors for Schools


    The average total scores of the top 6 individuals from each school will be used for the rankings of school group performance. The Top 3 Performing Schools in each country/region will be announced and recognized.




    Continental Economics Cups


    Awards for School Teams


    Continental Gold, Silver, Bronze Trophies will be awarded to the continental top performing school teams based on their team average of individual aggregated scores. The specific rankings of Continental Top 10 school teams will also be announced and recognized.


    The Top 6 performing teams of each continent will be invited to the World Economics Cup representing their continent.


    The names of continental top 10 school teams on "Thinking and Innovation" will be announced as well and the winning teams will receive special certificates on this module.


    Awards for Individual Contestants


    Continental Gold, Silver, Bronze medals will be awarded to a certain percentage of contestants based on their aggregated scores on "Fundamentals" (individual score), "Deep Comprehension" (individual score) and "Thinking and Innovation" (team score). The percentages will be justified by WEC continental jury committee based on the distribution of actual test scores.


    The names of continental top 10 individual scorers on "Fundamentals" and "Deep Comprehension" will be announced as well and the winners will receive special certificates on these two modules.


    Honors for Countries


    The average total scores of the top 6 individuals from each country will be used for the rankings of country group performance. The Top 3 Performing Countries will be announced and recognized.




    World Economics Cup


    Awards for School Teams


    World Gold (Top 10), Silver (Top 20), Bronze (Top 30) Trophies will be awarded to the participating school teams in a tiered scheme based on their team average of individual aggregated scores. The specific rankings of Global Top 10 school teams will also be announced and recognized.


    The names of global top 10 school teams on "Thinking and Innovation" will be announced as well and the winning teams will receive special certificates on this module.


    Awards for Individual Contestants


    World Gold, Silver, Bronze Medals will be awarded to a certain percentage of contestants based on their aggregated scores on "Fundamentals" (individual score), "Deep Comprehension" (individual score) and "Thinking and Innovation" (team score). The percentages will be justified by WEC jury committee based on the distribution of actual test scores.


    The names of global top 10 individual scorers on "Fundamentals" and "Deep Comprehension" will be announced as well and the winners will receive special certificates on these two modules.



    Honors for Continents


    The average total scores of all invited six teams from a certain continent will be used for the rankings of continental group performance. The Top 3 Performing Continents will be announced and recognized.