WEC 2020
The WEC 2020 was conducted successfully at the end of November 2020.
Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, the event had to be held online.
UPDATE: WEC 2020 dates were as follows:
Fundamentals: 12:00 - 13:00 UTC, November 28th, 2020
Deep Comprehension: 13:10 - 15:40 UTC, November 28th, 2020
Thinking and Innovation: 23:59 UTC, November 28th, 2020 (Problem Release) ,
23:59 UTC, November 29th, 2020 (Presentation Submission Deadline)
Global TOP 3 Presentations
Thinking and Innovation(Youtube videos)
Global First Place
South Korea
Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies
Global Second Place (tied)
Vienna International School, Austria
Global Second Place (tied)
Amity International School, Noida
Amity International School, Pushp Vihar
Little Flower School
Sanskriti School
Scottish High International School
Dates and Process
WEC 2020
November, 2020
It's considered as the pinnacle of the economics experience. WEC convenes the best and brightest students to compete in the World Economics Cup, sharing their successes and knowing peers who are interested and talented in economics. Students who achieve global rankings get recognition.
Due to the global outbreak of COVID-19, the event was held online.
On November 28, the WEC 2020 kicked off with the exams of Fundamentals and Deep Comprehensions.The competitors took the objective test for the Fundamentals part in one hour to answer the 100 multiple-choice questions, which test their basic knowledge of microeconomics and macroeconomics.The Deep Comprehensions part, in form of 100 material-based objective questions, followed with theFundamentals exam after a 10-minute break. The competitors test their on-site learning and comprehension abilities, learn and understand new knowledge of advanced economics theories during the 150 minutes.On November 29, the competitors received the topic for the Thinking and Innovation part and took 24hours to prepare for the team presentation.The competitors demonstrated their innovative thinking and problem-solving abilities to solve generalproblems by economics.WEC Qualification and Registration
July 31st to November 10, 2020
Participation in WEC is not directly open to individuals. Organizations/ Schools who are interested in sending a team should register before November 10.
Each participating country can send a national team of 6 students. The methods of choosing these contestants and composing the teams differ from country to country. It's determined by each country; in most cases a country’s contestants are chosen from the winners of their national competition.
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World Economics Cup is a global economics program headquartered in Singapore
and managed by World Academic Olympics Group Pte. Ltd.